Wednesday, 4 September 2013

New workshop piece...

Hello all,

I'd like to show you a piece I've completed for one of our new workshops Fabric Collage. In this workshop we want to encourage students to rummage through saved ephemera - from holidays, inherited scraps of fabric and lace etc....or like me music sheets.
Auntie Rosa taught music and it was her passion to play the piano. So in this piece I used her sheet music and it just so happened the title appeared on one of the teasels.....meant to be!

As with that generation and the same with us today, buttons were stashed away, mending wool saved for darning. I chose a few of her buttons and attached them with her mending wool.

flow'rs blooming round her
We are running our Fabric Collage Workshop on 24th October at Fraddon Village Hall 10am - 4pm

If you haven't tried collage yet come along and give it go, it's a liberating method and suitable for any skill level, patchwork and embroidery.

In the mean time, if you fancy a little Fabric Manipulation (one of my favourite techniques) then this workshop will give you all the skills to transform any future projects into something special.
It's an A4 size wall-hanging, you will be shown all the processes with guidance from us and method sheets for future reference.

Fabric Manipulation Wall Hanging
There's still time to book and it takes very little fabric, all the information can be found on our website, you will also find photos of past workshops.

Hope this has wetted your appetite to try something new, we look forward to hearing from you.
Back soon


  1. Two very different pieces, but both equally gorgeous. I love the detail on the fabric manipulation. If only I lived closer!

  2. Glad you like them Naida, can never have to much fabric manipulation in my books. If you're ever in Cornwall we'll get you in on a workshop :)

  3. Nice work, love the music sheets. I have a stack of them in my stash of stuff, you may have inspired me to get them out and use them.

  4. Thank you Linda, always good to find a use for our stash and that it was worth keeping in the first place!
